
                                  :: LEARNING FROM NATURE ::


Sustainable architecture inspired by nature.
Looking into nature for architectural inspiration in order to achieve a better sustainable outcome. We should  look for sustainable solutions by vigorously inquiring and learning from nature about form, structure, system, management, materiality and process.  
Using “nature as a model, measure, and mentor, then imitates these design principles and processes to solve human problems.” (Benyus, 1998)


Global issue:  Energy crisis, climate change. 
Architectural imperative:  Sustainable design.
Nature’s genius:  Nature has a global “research lab” with 3.8 billion years of research and development experience. We human beings are only 200,000 years old. We have a lot to learn from nature. It can provide solutions and inspirations to complex issues such as resource efficiency and waste management. 


Nature as a model
Nature as a mentor
Nature as a measure

We encourage architects to proactively turn to nature and ask “how would nature do it?” and find solutions by emulating nature models.

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